An Act of Faith
Text: Numbers 21:1-9 and John 3:1-15 & John 12:32
Faithlessness yields disobedience
Willful defiance
God’s Judgement: Numbers 15:30-31
Example #1: Breaking the sabbath - Numbers 15:32-41
Example #2: Arrogance before God – Numbers 16:1-40
The next day: Numbers 16:41
Even leaders fail for lack of faith
No water : Numbers 20:1-13
The people complain
God speaks
Moses and Aaron lack faith
God’s judgment
Impatience is a lack of faith
The people speak out against God : Numbers 21:1-5
God judges with fiery serpents
The Act of Faith
The Bronze Serpent : Numbers 21:6-9
The look of faith
The Object of Faith (for us today: it is Jesus Christ himself)
The Look of Faith
John 3:3-15
John 12:32