The Battle for Truth
The Battle for Truth Text: 1 John 2:18-27
Identifying the opposition
Antichrists: Adversaries of Christ
Depart the fellowship (v.19)
Beware of those who forsake the church
Deny the faith (v.22-23)
Saying Jesus is NOT the Christ
Saying Jesus is NOT divine
Saying Jesus is NOT equal to the Father
Deceive the faithful (v.26)
Willfully attempting to mislead others into error
Identifying the Christians
What Christians have:
An Anointing from God (v. 20, 27a)
Indwelt with the Spirit of God. (2 Cor 1:21-22)
A Knowledge of Truth (v.21, 27b)
Taught by the Spirit of God (John 14:25-26)
Granted Spiritual Understanding (1 Cor 2:9-16)
What Christians do:
Abide in Him (v.24-25, 27c)
A life saturated by the Spirit of God
Receiving eternal life as your reward
Be Battle Ready
It’s coming…
Children it is the last hour. (v.18)
You are already equipped
The Spirit (v.20, 27)
The Truth (v.21)
The Father & The Son (v.23-24)
The Command: Abide (v.24, 27)
To continue in a fixed condition
To be resolute without yielding