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Daniel - Developing Godly Habits

Text: Daniel 1-2, & 6

Courage to make and keep a commitment

The world offers much that could distract us:

Food Sex Stuff/Money

Alcohol Drugs Busy-ness

Make up your mind ahead of time

(see Daniel 1:3-9)

Seek God’s Intervention (Pray)

Daniel sought to delay the sentence of death to pursue God.

Daniel asked his friends to seek God’s compassion and direction.

Determine to wait on God’s revelation

(Wait on the Lord, act only after God has spoken.)

(see Daniel 2:1-19 (14-18)

Use your opportunities to point others to God Daniel offered thanks and praise to God for His kindness

Daniel boldly testified before the king regarding God’s revelation

Exercise humility to magnify God more greatly

(Be vocal about the activity of God in any success)

(see Daniel 2:20-23,27-30)

Actions always flow from our mind

It is a process, not a destination

It is created one decision at a time

Be transformed by

the renewing of your mind


Romans 12:2 Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.

Ghandi / Stephen Covey / Ralph Waldo Emerson

Character is always evident

Daniel’s peers could find no fault in him, unless it was regarding his devotion to God (6:5)

After the decree was signed Daniel continued kneeling toward Jerusalem three times a day praying and giving thanks to his God (6:10)

Lesson for us in summary:

Do what is right until it becomes an unbreakable habit.

Make-up your mind ahead of time

Determine to wait on God’s revelation (incline your ear)

Exercise humility to magnify God more greatly

Do what is right until it becomes an unbreakable habit.

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