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Persuaded by Grace

Text: 1 John 3:18-24

Most folks struggle with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty concerning the possibility of coming face to face with God. Even Christians often express a lack of confidence about entering His glorious presence. John’s first epistle was written to encourage the saints concerning the certainty of their salvation.

In verse 19 he writes to “assure our hearts before Him.” The word ‘assure’ could also be translated ‘persuade.’ John endeavors to convince us that we can confidently come before God because of Jesus and the grace that we have been shown. In this text he offers six proofs, or evidences, that should persuade us to be confident when approaching God through Christ Jesus.

The Pillars of our Confidence

  1. We know God’s capacity for forgiveness is greater than our sin (v. 18-20)

  2. We know God is our loving Father who hears us, and desires to give us good things (v. 21-22a)

  3. We experience a desire to please Him, and experience joy when we are obedient (v. 22b)

  4. We believe in the good news that Jesus taught, and accept the offer of salvation that He provided for us (v.23a)

  5. His sinless life

  6. His substitutionary death

  7. His physical resurrection

  8. His promise of life to those who believe in Him

  9. His literal ascension to heaven

  10. His promised return to claim us for Himself

  11. We experience a growing love for others that is beyond what we would naturally expect of ourselves (v.23b)

  12. We experience a sense of the Spirit of God dwelling within us (v. 24)

Because of these six pillars, our confidence is strengthened and therefore we are ASSURED, PERSUADED, and CONFIDENT that we are of the TRUTH (v.19)

Therefore…Let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace. (Hebrews 4:16)

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